

verb \ˈlast\

Definition of LAST

intransitive verb
:  to continue in time
a :  to remain fresh or unimpaired :  endure
b :  to manage to continue (as in a course of action)
c :  to continue to live
transitive verb
:  to continue in existence or action as long as or longer than —often used with out <couldn't last out the training program>
:  to be enough for the needs of <the supplies will last them a week>
last·er noun

Origin of LAST

Middle English, from Old English ̄stan to last, follow; akin to Old English lāst footprint
First Known Use: before 12th century

Synonym Discussion of LAST

continue, last, endure, abide, persist mean to exist over a period of time or indefinitely. continue applies to a process going on without ending <the search for peace will continue>. last, especially when unqualified, may stress existing beyond what is normal or expected <buy shoes that will last>. endure adds an implication of resisting destructive forces or agencies <in spite of everything, her faith endured>. abide implies stable and constant existing especially as opposed to mutability <a love that abides through 40 years of marriage>. persist suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes obstinacy or doggedness <the sense of guilt persisted>.

Rhymes with LAST



Definition of LAST

:  a form (as of metal or plastic) which is shaped like the human foot and over which a shoe is shaped or repaired

Illustration of LAST

Origin of LAST

Middle English, from Old English ̄ste, from lāst footprint; akin to Old High German leist shoemaker's last, Latin lira furrow — more at learn
First Known Use: before 12th century



Definition of LAST

transitive verb
:  to shape with a last
last·er noun

First Known Use of LAST

circa 1859



: after any others in time, order, or importance : at the end

: most recently : on the most recent occasion

—used to introduce a final statement or subject

Full Definition of LAST

:  after all others :  at the end <came last and left first>
:  most lately <saw him last in Rome>
:  in conclusion <last, let's consider the social aspect>

Origin of LAST

Middle English, from Old English latost, superl. of læt late
First Known Use: before 12th century



: coming after all others in time, order, or importance

: remaining after the rest are gone

: belonging to the final part of something

Full Definition of LAST

a :  following all the rest <he was the last one out>
b :  being the only remaining <our last dollar>
:  belonging to the final stage (as of life) <his last hours on earth>
a :  next before the present :  most recent <last week> <his last book was a failure>
b :  most up-to-date :  latest <it's the last thing in fashion>
a :  lowest in rank or standing; also :  worst
b :  farthest from a specified quality, attitude, or likelihood <would be the last person to fall for flattery>
a :  conclusive <there is no last answer to the problem>
b :  highest in degree :  supreme, ultimate
c :  distinct, separate —used as an intensive <ate every last piece of food>
last·ly adverb

First Known Use of LAST

13th century

Synonym Discussion of LAST

last, final, terminal, ultimate mean following all others (as in time, order, or importance). last applies to something that comes at the end of a series but does not always imply that the series is completed or stopped <last page of a book> <last news we had of him>. final applies to that which definitely closes a series, process, or progress <final day of school>. terminal may indicate a limit of extension, growth, or development <terminal phase of a disease>. ultimate implies the last degree or stage of a long process beyond which further progress or change is impossible <the ultimate collapse of the system>.



Definition of LAST

:  something that is last
at last or at long last
:  at the end of a period of time :  finally <at last you've come home>

First Known Use of LAST

13th century
AT LAST Defined for Kids


verb \ˈlast\

Definition of LAST for Kids

:  to go on <The game lasted two hours.>
:  to stay in good condition <These sneakers won't last.>
:  to be enough for the needs of <We have food to last the week.>
:  to be able to continue in a particular condition <Are you too hungry to last till lunch?>



Definition of LAST for Kids

:  after any others in time or order <She spoke last.>
:  most recently <They were last seen here.>



Definition of LAST for Kids

:  following all the rest :  final <I was the last one out.>
:  most recent <last week>
:  lowest in rank or position <Our team was last in the league.>
:  most unlikely <You're the last person I thought I'd see.>

Synonym Discussion of LAST

last and final mean following all the others. last is used for something at the end of a series but it does not always mean that the series is complete or permanently ended. <I spent my last dollar on a ticket.> final is used for something that positively closes a series and forever settles the matter. <This is the final game of the championship.>



Definition of LAST for Kids

:  a person or thing that is last <That order was my last.>
at last or at long last
:  after a long period of time :  finally <We're finished at last!>


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